Raw runtime options
$ vehicle_parts.txt
-- Parts loaded from: vehicle_parts.txt
Spaceship with the following parts:
liquid armor,
small cabin,
big rocket engine,
falcon-style fuselage,
weapons: bubble gum launcher,
small V-shaped wings.
Spaceship with the following parts:
laser armor,
small cabin,
super ionizing engine,
small streamline fuselage,
weapons: string tokens cannon, laser cannon,
small V-shaped wings.
Spaceship with the following parts:
rocket resistant armor,
small cabin,
small rocket engine,
small streamline fuselage,
weapons: laser cannon,
small V-shaped wings.
Spaceship with the following parts:
laser armor,
large cabin,
lightspeed engine,
falcon-style fuselage,
weapons: laser cannon, rocket launcher,
small V-shaped wings.
Spaceship with the following parts:
rocket resistant armor,
large cabin,
small rocket engine,
small streamline fuselage,
weapons: string tokens cannon, rocket launcher, laser cannon, bubble gum launcher.
Spaceship with the following parts:
rocket resistant armor,
large cabin,
super ionizing engine,
small streamline fuselage,
weapons: string tokens cannon, bubble gum launcher,
small V-shaped wings.
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